喵酱nei: thought-provoking. The underside of the American dream. When it is often presented as a path to follow, a social and personal ascension, possibly all the way to the top, American Psycho proposes to show us not how you get there, but who you have become at the end of the journey. The MC is a narcissistic imposter, an ultra-conformist consumer, and a cold rational serial killer. Incapable of empathy, fascinated by violence, obsessed with symbols of success, materialistic to the core and profoundly unhappy. But is it possible to break free from the nuclear chain reaction of simulacrums? A radical answer is given at the ending, an outstanding "chute".
茭白筱:二刷你懂的。 队友都戴面罩你擦唇膏,打着自己发明的手势。老领导看上了你的青春说跟了自己三十年只用来挠痒痒的善良之枪丢了要你去卧底。显示666就是我call你。不过最后的出场真是亮瞎了。